DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2020-5-4-118-130
The article considers features of the Vyatka Province development and management, activities of the provincial statistical committee, and the role of political exiles and N.A. Spassky in its work. The author emphasizes that zemstvo in the Vyatka Province was of the ‘peasant’ type and conducted studies of the economic situation of solvent peasants. The author presents the results of the study of the Northern uyezds of the province by V.Y. Zavolzhsky, and of the further research of the peasant economy by the first ‘head of zemstvo statistics’ N.N. Romanov, and the role of two scholars in assessing the economic situation of the Vyatka Province population. The article introduces unpublished archival sources on the biography of N.N. Romanov into scientific circulation.
Vyatka Province, ‘peasant’ zemstvo, zemstvo statistics, peasant economy, zemstvo data, household research, V.Y. Zavolzhsky, N.N. Romanov
Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Researcher, Chayanov Research Center, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences; Head of the Department of OrganizationalMethodological and Personnel Work, Russian State Archive of Economics. 119571 Moscow, Prosp. Vernadskogo, 82.
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