Chayanov A.V. Main Ideas and Methods of Social Agronomy (Part 1) (Article of A.V. Chayanov) / 6
Vorbrugg A. Ethnographies of slow violence: Studying the effects of rural disintegration / 31
Kuznetsov I.A. Production of grains and potatoes per capita in European Russia in 1883–1913: Regional dynamics / 53
Savinova T.A. “...The mind involuntarily seeks a way out of the situation and tries to fill the absolute scarcity of agricultural machinery with the increasing utilization rate” (A note by A.V.Chayanov) / 84
The present time
Sauer S., Meszaros G. Land struggle in Brazil under the Workers’ Party governments / 93
Vinogradsky V.G., Vinogradskaya O.Ya., Nikulina E.S. Ecology of the rural world as an object of sociological research / 125
Alekseev A.I., Nikulin A.M. “Geography has always ‘yearned for complexity’” / 143
Nikulin A.M. Worlds of the northern peasant crafts / 167