Trotsuk I. V. A few methodological notes based on the field observations of rural human capital in the Russia’s Non-Black Earth Region / 6
Belykh A. A. What was the price of the Pushkin family estate Mikhailovskoe? / 20
Goryushkina N. E. Peasants’ exercise of the rights to alcohol trade in excise Russia (1863–1894) / 39
Ivanov A. A., Chemakin A. A. “Revolutionary revolt” of the Black-Hundred peasantry: The 1914 unrest in Podolia / 61
Nikolaeva A. A. “Village Languishing in Ignorance...”: Woman’s fate in the lyrics of S. A. Esenin during the World War I / 79
Timkin Yu. N. “Face of the village”: Activities of the Vyatka Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) to revitalize rural and volost organizations in 1924–1926 / 89
Kim Chang Jin. Lost Paradise: The phenomenon of ‘Soviet Korean Advanced Kolkhozes’ in Central Asia (Part 1) / 109
The present time
Shagaida N. I. Is it possible to quickly eliminate labor shortage in Russian agriculture? / 139
Kartseva M. A., Mkrtchyan N. V., Florinskaya Yu. F. Rural-urban migration in contemporary Russia through the prism of quantitative and qualitative analysis / 153
Loginov D. M. Russia’s rural population: Subjective well-being and social-economic practices / 180
Gorlova N. I., Kovalchuk A. P. Volunteering as a means of promoting tourism in rural areas / 197
Scientific life
Gonina N. V. History of the outskirts: Interpretations and approaches / 235
Ovchintseva L. A. Rural tourism: Prospects and limitations / 249