For the authors

The Russian Peasant Studies publishes original papers, translations, and review articles on theoretical, historical, methodological and empirical issues in the field of peasant studies, rural sociology and social geography. Please note that the journal will not consider papers that were previously published as articles in other journals or as pre-prints online. The submitted paper should be original and not have been published elsewhere. By submitting a paper, an author(s) agrees not to publish it elsewhere either in full or partly without written consent of the Russian Peasant Studies editorial board.

We accept submissions in Russian, and English. All the journal submissions are subject to the double blind peer-reviewing process. The Russian Peasant Studies accepts papers up to 10 000 words in one file of Microsoft Word format (.doc, .docx, .rtf). We expect that an author(s) identifies and lists all the sources and literature used in the paper. Quotes should be clearly marked. Abbreviations should be explained.

We do not accept any fees from the authors for publication.

Before submitting please verify the checklist. Please send your submissions to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The submission should have two files. The first one should contain author(s) information and the title of the paper while the second file should contain the main text (including abstract, keywords etc.) without any reference to author(s) identity.

Authorship and co-authorship policy

By submitting the article for review to the journal, the authors confirm their authorship. When a manuscript is written by a group of authors, one of them handles the manuscript submission process, acknowledging all co-authors. Each co-author must have participated sufficiently in the study to be listed as a co-author

Reference style for bibliographies in English

Each reference element should comply with the standards of the journal. For research articles the element should have an author, a date of publication, a title (transliterated if in Russian with followed by translation in English), a journal title in italics with No. and volume of issue and pages. For chapters in books there should be an author, a date of publication, a chapter title (transliterated if in Russian, followed by translation in English), a book title in italics, editors, a place of publication, a publisher and pages.

For books the element should have an author, a date of publication, a book title in italics, a place of publication, a publisher and pages.   For accuracy please consult the following samples. For electronic sources it is compulsory to add the hyperlink and the date of access: Available at: www-link (accessed DD Month Year). If there is a digital object identifier (DOI) it is necessary to include this information as well.

Sample reference list

Badiou A. (2006) Being and Event, New York: Continuum.

Benjamin W. (2006) The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility. Selected Writings, vol. 3: 1935–1938, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp. 101–133.

Nez H. (2012) Délibérer au sein d’un mouvement social: ethnographie des assemblées d’Indignés à Madrid. Participations, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 79–102.

Veselkova N. (1994) Poluformalizovannoye interview [Semi-structured interview]. Sotsiologichesky Jurnal, no 3, pp. 103–109 (In Russ.).

Kletsin A. (1996) Sotsiologiya semyi [Sociology of family]. Sotsiologiya v Rossii [Sociology in Russia] (ed. by V.A. Yadov), Moscow: “Na Vorobieuvih gorah”, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science, pp. 147–168 (In Russ.).

Freidenberg O. (1998) Mif i literatura drevnosti [Myth and Literature in Antiquity], Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura (In Russ.)

Durkheim E. (2008) Metod sotsiologii [Sociological method]. Durkheim E. Sotsiologia: ee predmet, metod, prednaznachenie [Sociology: Its Subject, Method, and Purpose], Moscow: TERRA-Knizhniy Club, pp. 45–200.



In Russian*

In English

Abstract (200-250 words)



Keywords (9 -12)



Article's Title



Article's text (up to 40000 characters including spaces)

In Russian OR in English

Main Bibliography list

In the same language as the Article


In the same language as the Article

Authors’ details

1.     Last name(s), First name(s)
2.     Academic degree (s)
3.     Affiliation and postal address
4.     Electronic address
5.     Author's ORCID's (if present)





Read 3583 times Last modified on Sep 12 2024

Russian Peasant Studies. Scientific journal

Center for Agrarian studies of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Hard copies of the journal can be purchased at the Delo e-store or by subscription in the "Press of Russia" Agency (subscription index - Т81017).

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was a partner of Russian Peasant Studies before it was removed from list of approved foundations in 2022


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