Afanasenkov V.O. Grain production in the provinces of Siberia (in the late 19th – early 20th centuries). On the relative indicators of yield statistics developed by the Central Statistical Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs / 6
Kuznetsov I.A. Prerequisites for the collectivization of agriculture in the USSR / 47
Aleksandrov K.M. “Look out or you’ll be harmed!”: On the social-political reasons for Stalin’s collectivization / 70
Obozny K.P. Orthodox Church in the USSR on the eve of collectivization / 97
The present time
Kim Chang Jin. Korean modernization and peasant mobilization in the 1960s and 1970s / 109
Fadeeva O.P., Nefedkin V.I. Informal public-private partnership as an initiative from below: Rural cases /131
Doktorov B.Z., Nikulin A.M. Teodor Shanin: Peasant Studies and Russia / 146
Kurakin A.A. Daily routine of the Russian village / 173
Babashkin V.V. “The commune cannot be conquered” / 178
Scientific life
Ovchintseva L.A. Smart assistant for rural development / 187