About journal

Russian Peasant Studies 


Informing the scientific and general public about the progress and results of research in the field of history, methodology and empirical research in the field of peasant studies, rural sociology and social geography.

Aims and Scope

The publication of original articles, translations and reviews in the field of theory, history, methodology and empirical research in the field of peasant studies, rural sociology and social geography.

Target readership audience

The audience includes, but not limits academics, university students and teachers, researchers, practitioners, organizational developers, policy designers and makers.

Editorial Policy

Articles are accepted for publication in Russian or English on topics relevant to the mission and goals of the journal. The journal does not charge authors for publication and processing fees. Articles that were previously published in other publications, as well as in the form of online preprints, are not accepted for publication. Articles submitted to the editor for publication should not be published elsewhere before. Detailed article requirements are published in the section For Authors. Details of publication ethics are published in the section Publishing Ethics.

Review policy

Double blind review process allpies to all articles. Initial review of the articles to comply with the standards of the Journal, as a rule, takes 5 working days after its submission.  This review assesses the article to satisfy the scope and the standards of the journal on the basis of the checklist and the sample of the manuscript presented in the section "Author Guidelines". If the article does not meet the standards of the Journal and/or is out of its scope, it is rejected. Resubmission of the manuscript is possible after bringing it into line with the requirements of the journal. The decision will be sent to e-mail the article is came from.


The copyright for articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. When using materials created by other authors (texts, tables, images) in the articles, the authors and / or copyright owners of these materials should be indicated. The authors retain the right to non-commercial use of published articles for non-commercial (including scientific, educational and educational) purposes with the reference, hyperlink and DOI of the publication in this Journal.

Data exchange policy

The journal “Russian Peasant Studies” encourages authors to share the data supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository or making available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Authors may provide a data availability statement that can be published in their paper. Authors can consult the repository indexing services https://www.re3data.org and https://fairsharing.org, or their affiliated organisation if it provides a repository for its researchers.

Retracting procedures

In case of violations of publication ethics, the resolution of contentious issues, including the exclusion (retraction) of articles from the journal, the editors adhere to the procedures described in the Declaration Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (RASSEP)   and the Retraction Guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). If the violation of publication ethics is confirmed, the editors have the right to refuse to cooperate with the author for a specified period or indefinitely.


All electronic versions of articles and full issues of the journal are distributed free of charge in PDF format under a non-commercial license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which means that any user has the right to download and distribute materials in without changing the content (content, text) with mandatory attribution (bibliographic record and hyperlink to the original location of the material on the site).

Hard copies of the journal can be purchased in the e-store of the Delo Publishing House  or by subscription in the "Pressa Rossii" agency (index Т81017). The editors can distribute a limited number of hard copies at their own discretion.

Publication frequency

Four issues per year (March, Jun, September, December)


  • Russian State Library (RSL)
  • Russian Scientific Electronic Library


The journal is funded by the founder.


Center for Agrarian Studies of  Russian Presidental Academy for National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). Founded in 2016. Registration ПИ № ФС77-65824 (27.05.2016). IISSN 2500-1809 (Print), ISSN 2949-2564 (Online)

Read 3678 times Last modified on Sep 12 2024

Russian Peasant Studies. Scientific journal

Center for Agrarian studies of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Hard copies of the journal can be purchased at the Delo e-store or by subscription in the "Press of Russia" Agency (subscription index - Т81017).

Friends and Partners


Rosa Luxemburg foundation
was a partner of Russian Peasant Studies before it was removed from list of approved foundations in 2022


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