Scott J. Early states in the history of humankind: Agroecology, writing, grain and city walls / 6
Gordon A., Nikulin A. “From a ‘commune member’ to the economic agent—a farmer, an ‘owner and hard worker’...” / 33
Merl S. The pre-1941 local administration in the Soviet countryside: How effectively it worked, and what rules of political communication followed to prevent peasant rebellions / 53
The present time
Vinogradsky V. Forms of informality: Invisible economy of the peasant house / 101
Ovchintseva L. Rural cooperatives: Same goals, new problems / 121
Kedrov N. A century of agrarian reforms / 142
Kuznetsov I. Review of the book: Ostrovsky A.V. “Russian Village at the Historical Crossroads” /153
Scientific life
Shagaida N. A long-term strategy for the agricultural development in Russia and the world / 161
Kurakin А. The IV International conference of BICAS: Agro-extractivism inside and outside BRICS /166
Nikulina E. Paths of Russia. 1917–2017: A Century of Transformations /172