Kuznetsov I., Savinova T. Unknown and little-known works of the organization-production school / 7
Chayanov A. Agrarian dogmas and fantasies (Article of A.V. Chayanov on A.A. Manuylov and L.N. Litoshenko theory of peasant economy) / 13
Makarov N. Progress or evolution of the peasant economy (Article of N.P. Makarov on L.N. Litoshenko book) / 27
Chayanov A. On the new trends of the Russian economic thought (Article of A.V. Chayanov on the Proceedings of the Higher Seminary of Agricultural Economy and Policy) / 34
Chayanov A. The current state of agriculture and agricultural statistics in Russia (Article of A.V. Chayanov) / 41
Chayanov A. To the Board of the State Institute of Agricultural Economy (Letter of A.V. Chayanov) / 54
Chayanov A. The history of the current state of science of organization of agriculture and taxation in the USSR (Article of A.V. Chayanov) / 63
Nikulin A., Trotsuk I., Wegren S. Ideology and philosophy of the successful regional development in contemporary Russia: The Belgorod case / 99
Nefedova T. Contemporary peasant economy in the rural-urban environment / 117
Fadeeva O. Sketches for the farm project: An Altai palette / 141
Babashkin V. When the uttered thought is true, or the peasant studies of Valery Vinogradsky / 174
Averkieva K. Vologda Lad. The Fourth All-Russian Belov Readings / 183
Tolstov S., Usoltseva O. In search of the lost meanings / 189