Chayanov A.V. Letter from A.V. Chayanov to V.M. Molotov on the current state of agriculture in the USSR compared with its pre-war state and the situation in agriculture of capitalist countries (October 6, 1927) / 6
Vorbrugg A. Not about land, not quite a grab: Dispersed dispossession in rural Russia / 19
Kedrov N.G. Ivan Semenovich Kuznetsov in the context of three mythologies of collectivization / 48
Round table “The 100th anniversary of the academician Alexander Alexandrovich Nikonov (1918–1995)” / 70
Fadeeva O.P., Nefedkin V.I. “Regional dirigisme” and rural self-organization in Tatarstan / 95
Bozhkov O.B. Same addresses 10 years later (first impressions of the expedition-2018 to Boksitogorsky and Babaevsky districts) / 115
Uzun V.Ya., Nikulin A.M. “I often wondered what really useful could be done for peasants” / 128
Babashkin V.V. Retrospectives of “unpromising villages” / 186