Chayanov A.V. Main Ideas and Methods of Social Agronomy (Part 2) (Article of A.V. Chayanov) / 6
Merl S. Agricultural reforms in Russia from 1856 to the present: Successes and failures in the international comparative perspective / 56
Gordeeva I.A. “Small deeds” in the Russian communitarian movement / 88
Gusakov T.Yu. Rural Crimea and its agroholdings / 106
Rogova M.V. Territorial transformation of coastal settlements and their neighborhood / 130
Lepetyukhina Ya.O., Neroda M.A. Uferwerk partnership, or Implementation of social utopia / 141
Smirnova A.A. Light, water and playgrounds: Local initiatives in the Tver Region as reflecting the territorial challenges / 151
Lisichkin G.S., Pugacheva M.G., Yarmolyuk S.F. “I wanted to draw the society’s attention to agriculture” / 159
Babashkin V.V. Lessons of Kulunda / 195
Poleshchuk I.K. Innovative development in Russia: Agriculture 4.0 / 204