Yury Moshkov in the historiography of collectivization

Kedrov N.G. Yury Moshkov in the historiography of collectivization // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2017. V.2. №3. P. 76-96.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2017-2-3-76-96


Article is devoted to the analysis of works of known Russian agrarian historian Ju. A. Moshkov. The author considers its works in a context of evolution of a Russian historiography of collectivization. The author notices that Moshkov has appeared for the first time on a proscenium of a historical science during epoch of «thaw». It was the major period in formation of a problematics of history of the Soviet society. Then, Soviet historians offered the research program of studying of agrarian transformations to the USSR as objective process of formation of a socialist way of production. Moshkov’s book «The Grain problem in years of continuous collectivization of agriculture in USSR» has played the most essential role in realization of science tasks of this program. The author analyzes the ideas of Moshkov’s book in a comparative context. He compares them both with concepts a Stalin’s historiography, as with the audit of the last offered by agrarian historians of an epoch of «thaw». In particular, it is underlined, that Moshkov’s work promoted revision in a Russian science: the reasons grain crisis in 1927/28 year, a question on the top chronological border of the New Economic Policy, estimations of results of collectivization. Thanks to it, Moshkov became one of the central figures in the Soviet agrarian historiography. Also, the author considers tracks of the following perception of the Moshkov’s works in the historiography. Moshkov participated in historiographic revolution of 1990th years. However, the results of this scientific revolution retouched the previous ideas of the scientist. Owing to it, influence of its works on development of modern researches of collectivization to the full is not estimated now yet.


Soviet historical science, agrarian historiography, Ju. A. Moshkov, collectivization, kolkhoz system

About the author

Kedrov Nikolay G., PhD (History), Research Fellow, Vologda State University; 15 Lenina St., Vologda, 160000, Russia
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Read 1980 times Last modified on Mar 21 2023

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