On the improvement of the All-Russian Agricultural Census

Gataulina E.A. On the improvement of the All-Russian Agricultural Census  // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2018. V.3. №4. P. 150-167.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2018-3-4-150-167


Under the limited budget resources, there is an urgent task of their effective allocation. Collection and generalization of statistical data is the most important state task for providing a reliable consistent analytical basis for managerial decisions at all levels — from national economy to the enterprise. Censuses are a very expensive statistical method, which explains high demands on conducting them. In particular, they should include such objects, themes and indicators and consider them in such a structure and form that satisfy the information requests of all groups of census data consumers, which, in turn, requires that the groups of beneficiaries are identified and their requests are clear. The article focuses on the ways to increase the practical value of the All-Russian Agricultural Census by comparing its program with the recommendations of the World Agricultural Census of the FAO Round 2020 and the US Agricultural Census. The author argues that the beneficiaries and requests to the All-Russian Agricultural Census were not studied, that is why the Census program, albeit compliant with the FAO recommendations, is similar to the programs of countries with poorly developed statistical systems. The All-Russian Agricultural Census focuses on the structural data (livestock, territories, etc.) every ten years, while agricultural censuses in the developed countries are more frequent, focus on the most requested pricing information, their objects have a cut-off threshold and the tables include a wide range of features of the objects under study. The huge scale of the All-Russian Agricultural Census increases its costs, leads to contradictions with the Rosreestr, and although identifies the severe problem of the unregulated land use does not help to solve it. The author suggests to apply the project approach to the Сensus to change its emphasis from collecting data to the use of its results. 


All-Russian Agricultural Census, agricultural policy, census objects, management of agro-industrial complex, improvement of statistical data, project approach.

About the author

Gataulina Ekaterina A.,  PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher, All-Russian Institute for Agrarian Issues and Informatics named after A.A. Nikonov — branch of the Federal Research Center of Agrarian Economy and Social Development of Rural Areas — All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. 105064, Moscow, Bolshoi Kharitonievski Per., 21–1.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Read 1415 times Last modified on Mar 19 2023

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Center for Agrarian studies of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

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