Zverev V.V. To the anniversary of the half-forgotten book (V.P. Vorontsov’s Peasant Community) / 6
Kabytov P.S. Issues of agrarian history in the scientific works of Grigory Alekseevich Gerasimenko / 45
Bululina E.V., Golovina E.L., Lysenko I.A. The sanitary-epidemic conditions of the Stalingrad Region and the work of the health authorities in 1941–1945 / 62
Breslavsky A.S. Territorial public self-government in contemporary Buryatia: Factors of sustainable development / 79
Gusakov T.Yu. Migrations as the main factor in the transformation of the settlement system of the Crimean Peninsula / 99
Shagaida N.I., Nikulin A.M. “All generations of my family... have been involved in global agrarian transformations” / 121
Nikulina E.S. The return of country-estates studies / 159