Chayanov A.V. On the new trends of the Russian economic thought (Article of A.V. Chayanov on the Proceedings of the Higher Seminary of Agricultural Economy and Policy) // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2018. V.3. №1. P. 34-40.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2018-3-1-34-40


This article of the classic of the Russian agrarian-economic thought and the leader of the organization-production school of the 1920s Alexander Vasilievich Chayanov (1888–1937) was first published in 1922 in the journal “New Russian Book” (Berlin). The article describes the work of the scientific institution created by Chayanov, the Higher Seminary of Agricultural Economy and Policy, and the general state of economic sciences in Russia after the end of the civil war and transition to the NEP. The publication with comments was prepared by I.А. Kuznetsov and T.A. Savinova.


History of economic thought, history of science in Russia, organization-production school, peasant studies, A.V. Chayanov.

About the authors

Chayanov Alexander V.
Kuznetsov Igor A., PhD (History), Senior Researcher at the School of Public Policy Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 119571, Moscow, prospect Vernadskogo, 82. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Head of Organizational-Methodical and Personnel Work Chair, Russian State Archive of Economy; 119992, Moscow, B. Pirogovskaya St., 17.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Chayanov A.V. Agrarian dogmas and fantasies (Article of A.V. Chayanov on A.A. Manuylov and L.N. Litoshenko theory of peasant economy) // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2018. V.3. №1. P. 13-26.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2018-3-1-13-26


This article of the classic of the Russian agrarian-economic thought and the leader of the organization-production school of the 1920s Alexander Vasilievich Chayanov (1888–1937) was written in 1923 as a response to the book of Lev Nikolaevich Litoshenko criticizing the theory of peasant economy of the organization-production school. The article clarifies some controversial issues of Chayanov’s agrarian-economic theory and its interpretations. The article has not been published before and is kept in the Russian State Archive of Economics. This publication aims at introducing the recently discovered text to the scientific community and at stimulating further research on the theory and history of the organization-production school and the history of the economic thought in Russia. The publication with comments was prepared by I.А. Kuznetsov and T.A. Savinova.


History of economic thought, organization-production school, peasant studies, A.V. Chayanov, L.N. Litoshenko, A.A. Manuylov.

About the authors

Chayanov Alexander V.
Kuznetsov Igor A., PhD (History), Senior Researcher at the School of Public Policy Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 119571, Moscow, prospect Vernadskogo, 82. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Head of Organizational-Methodical and Personnel Work Chair, Russian State Archive of Economy; 119992, Moscow, B. Pirogovskaya St., 17.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Makarov N.P. Progress or evolution of the peasant economy (Article of N.P. Makarov on L.N. Litoshenko book) // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2018. V.3. №1. P. 27-33.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2018-3-1-27-33


This article of the outstanding Russian agrarian economist and representative of the organization-production school of the 1920s Nikolai Pavlovich Makarov (1887–1980) was written in 1923 as a response to the book of Lev Nikolaevich Litoshenko criticizing the theory of peasant economy of the organization-production school from the economic liberalism perspective. The article has not been published before and is kept in the Russian State Archive of Economics. The article clarifies the position of the organization-production school on some debatable social-political aspects of the economic theory of agriculture. This publication aims at stimulating further research on the theory and history of the organization-production school and the history of the economic thought in Russia. The publication was prepared by T.A. Savinova.


History of economic thought, organization-production school, peasant studies, agrarian capitalism, N.P. Makarov, L.N. Litoshenko.

About the author

Makarov Nikolai Pavlovich
Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Head of Organizational-Methodical and Personnel Work Chair, Russian State Archive of Economy; 119992, Moscow, B. Pirogovskaya St., 17.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Kuznetsov I.A., Savinova T.A. Unknown and little-known works of the economists of the organization-production school // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2018. V.3. №1. P. 7-12.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2018-3-1-7-12


The journal publishes six works of the outstanding Russian economists of the organization-production school—Alexander Vasilievich Chayanov (1888–1937) and Nikolai Pavlovich Makarov (1887–1980), which have not been published before or were published in quite inaccessible foreign journals in the 1920s. This publication with the comments reconstructs the circumstances in which these scientific works were written, and aims at stimulating further research on the theory and history of the organization-production school and the history of the economic thought in Russia.


History of economic thought, history of agricultural sciences, organization-production school, peasant studies, A.V. Chayanov, N.P. Makarov.

About the authors

Kuznetsov Igor A., PhD (History), Senior Researcher at the School of Public Policy Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 119571, Moscow, prospect Vernadskogo, 82. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Head of Organizational-Methodical and Personnel Work Chair, Russian State Archive of Economy; 119992, Moscow, B. Pirogovskaya St., 17.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Savinova T.A. The organization-production school in 1917 // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2017. V.2. №3. P. 57-75.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2017-2-3-57-75


The article is based on new and well-known scientific sources on the work of economists of the school in the League of Agrarian Reforms and Main Land Committee of the Provisional Government aimed at developing the agrarian reform. The author identifies the milestones in the work of these organizations from their establishment to the liquidation. In the brief historiography based on the archive data, the author considers the participation of the school in the founding congress of the League and SLC, in the work of the Executive Committee and Council of the League, and in the second congress of the League and SLC held after the July events in Petrograd. The author studied the work of economists in the key commissions of the SLC on redistribution of the land fund. The statistical and economic reports of N.P. Makarov and A.N. Chelintsev were examined to identify their roles in the reforms. The author reveals the reasons to destroy the data of the all-Russian agricultural and land census, the causes of the incompleteness of the reform, and the fates of its organizations. Based on the new archive sources the author considers the structure, work and liquidation of the Department of Agricultural Economy and Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture headed by A.N. Chelintsev.


history of the Russian revolution, agrarian reform, League of Agrarian Reforms, Main Land Committee, agricultural census, A.N. Chelintsev, A.V. Chayanov, N.P. Makarov, A.A. Rybnikov

About the author

Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Head of Organizational-Methodical and Personnel Work Chair, Russian State Archive of Economy; 119992, Moscow, B. Pirogovskaya St., 17.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Savinova T.A. “…The case will be over by me preferring Saratov…” // Russian Peasant Studies. 2016. V.1. №1. P. 167-170

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2016-1-1-167-170


This publication introduces into the scientific discourse two letters of Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov to Nikolai Pavlovich Makarov, which help to clarify one episode of his biography related to the choice of a place of teaching and scientific work in 1917.

About the author

Savinova Tatyana A., PhD (Economics), Chief Researcher at the Personal Funds Department of the Russian State Archive of Economy. 17, Bol'shaya Pirogovskaya Str., Moscow, 119435.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Center for Agrarian studies of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

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