Why and from what townspeople move to the village: Phenomenology and practice

Vinogradskaya O.Ya. Why and from what townspeople move to the village: Phenomenology and practice // The Russian Peasant Studies. 2019. V.4. №3. P. 140-155.

DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2019-4-3-140-155


The article considers reasons that determine the very possibility of the townspeople moving to the village for permanent residence. The non-standard grammatical form of the question in the title in Russian stresses the double context of the Russian word “why—from what”: on the one hand, it is a pronoun with a preposition (from what) indicating a certain phenomenon; on the other hand, it is an interrogative pronoun (why), a synonym of the adverb “wherefore” asking about reasons for moving to the village. In recent decades, the scale and speed of the civilizational development have changed the functionality of the place of residence, which makes the researchers reconsider their previous approaches to the study of the reasons of migration from the city to the countryside. However, in contemporary sociological works, both Russian and Western, little attention is paid to the issue of the townspeople moving to permanent residence in the countryside, as compared to the studies of the reverse process—the migration of villagers to the city. Based on the analysis of the interviews data, the article focuses on the reasons that determine the possible and necessary decisions of the townspeople to choose a new place of residence under the current conditions of everyday rural life. The author emphasizes that such reasons, which explain a seemingly ordinary and rational fact of the townspeople moving to the village for permanent residence, help to understand the evolution of life practices in both rural and urban social systems.


townspeople, village, former townspeople, villagers, migration, everyday practices, rural world, phenomenon, fact

About the author

Vinogradskaya Olga Ya., Senior Researcher, Center for Agrarian Studies, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Prosp. Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, 119571.
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Read 1136 times Last modified on Mar 15 2023

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Center for Agrarian studies of the Russian Presidental Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

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