DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2024-9-2-197-211
One of the main goals of the Russian volunteer movement to develop environment in small rural areas. The authors assess the current state of the Russian volunteer movement in the context of developing rural areas and local communities, emphasizing the activities of the all-Russian social movement ‘Volunteers of Culture’. The authors identify functions and directions of the proactive citizens’ volunteer efforts and the role of volunteer practices in increasing regional tourist attractiveness and hospitality of local communities; argue that the tourism sector became a priority on the social agenda of the volunteer movement and work. On the example of socially significant projects implemented in Russian villages, the authors show both the results of the integration of volunteer activities into the rural tourism field and the positive effect of such volunteering for the development of local rural communities. Thus, volunteer activities reflect the degree of public participation in solving significant rural problems, and the authors emphasize educational, methodological and motivational measures to support and popularize the role of the volunteer movement in promoting rural tourist facilities and routes.
Volunteering, volunteer work, social movement ‘Volunteers of Culture’, local territories, rural tourism, tourist routes, sustainable development.
Gorlova Natalya I., DSc (History), Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny Per., 36, Moscow, 115054, Russia.
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Kovalchuk Andrey P., PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny Per., 36, Moscow, 115054, Russia.
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DOI: 10.22394/2500-1809-2021-6-4-164-184
The article considers European initiatives and development programs for mountainous areas, and also changes in the approaches to the development of rural areas in the international debates. The author examines the structure and tasks of the EU rural development strategies and programs, the macro-regional and state mountain policies. The author suggests a typology of the national mountain policies’ development in European countries, and provides references on the contemporary development programs for mountainous areas focusing on the main factors of rural transformation. The article also presents a list of projects in mountainous rural areas of the EU by country.
Rural areas, mountainous areas, development programs, strategies, European experience, Europe, mountain policy, rural policy, transformation, sustainable development, rural revitalization.
Ershov Alexey M., Master’s Student, Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia, Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1.
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